n138=....#5:/topic `~*ñº|ºñ*~┤ $+ $$?="Topic" $+ `~*ñº|ºñ*~┤..Show Nick Changes
n139=..&View Active Nick Changes
n140=...&On:set %nick.change.show on
n141=...&Off:set %nick.change.show off
n142=..&Auto Sender
n143=...&On:set %autosender on
n144=...&Off:set %autosender off
n146=...Current Topic:/topic
n147=...&Ops:{ echo 4 4,1 * Listing Ops on # | set %i 1 | :next | set %nick $nick(%i,#) | if %nick == $null { goto done } | if %nick isop # { echo 3 12,1 $+ %nick $+ 14,1is an Op on 12,1 $+ # $+ } | inc %i | goto next | :done | echo 4 4,1 * End of Ops list }
n148=...All(&brief) To You:echo -a 15,1[4,1 $nick(0,#) people 14,1 in 3,1 # 14,1.15,1] | echo -a 15,1[4,1 $opnick(0,#) 12,1: 14,1OP'ed.15,1] | echo -a 15,1[4,1 $nopnick(0,#) 12,1: 14,1Not OP'ed.15,1] | echo -a 15,1[4,1 $vnick(0,#) 12,1: 14,1with VOICE15,1]
n149=...&All(brief) To Channel:Say 15,1[4,1 $nick(0,#) people 14,1 in 3,1 # 14,1.15,1] | Say 15,1[4,1 $opnick(0,#) 12,1: 14,1OP'ed.15,1] | Say 15,1[4,1 $nopnick(0,#) 12,1: 14,1Not OP'ed.15,1] | Say 15,1[4,1 $vnick(0,#) 12,1: 14,1with VOICE15,1]
n150=...All To &Channel:.disable #clones | .enable #stats | stats-chan | echo -a 12,1-:4 $+ $me $+ 12:-3 Now Gathering Stats For $chan $+ ....
n151=...All To &Self:.disable #clones | .enable #stats | stats-self | echo -a 12,1-:4 $+ $me $+ 12:-3 Now Gathering Stats For $chan $+ ....
n152=..&Channel Takeover: set %takeover $active | /massdeop | topic %takeover ░ñ.ñ░░ñ.ñ░ S I L E N C E ╨ ░ñ.ñ░░ñ.ñ░ | /masskick | /mode $active +smtinl 1
n154=.&Split Detection
n155=..on:set %split on
n156=..off:set %split off
n158=.&ReCoRd PLayEr
n159=..&Play A Wav To You:/splay $file="Select Your Sound" c:\numb\muzic\*.wav
n160=..Play A Wav The &Channel:sound $file="Select your sound!" c:\numb\muzic\*.wav
n161=..Play A MIDI To You:/splay $file="Select your Sound" c:\numb\muzic\*.mid
n162=..Play A MIDI To The Channe:sound $file="Select You Sound" c:\numb\muzic\*.mid
n164=.Offer A File
n165=..Use Last:/me [ $+ %ver Offering System] Type /ctcp $me file-offer For More Info On [ $+ %title $+ ]
n166=..New: {
n167= set %file $dir="Please Select the file" c:\
n168= set %title $?="What Should it be called?"
n169= set %desc $?="How Would You Describe it?"
n170= /me [ $+ %ver Offering System] Type /ctcp $me file-offer For More Info On [ $+ %title $+ ]
n23=...1min:/ban -u60 $$1 6 | notice $$1 This Is A 1 min Ban for $?="What Is The Reason For The Ban?"
n24=...2min:/ban -u120 $$1 6 | notice $$1 This is a 2 Min Ban for $?="What Is The Reason For The Ban?"
n25=...5min:/ban -u300 $$1 6 | notice $$1 This is A 5 min ban for $?="What Is The Reason For The Ban?"
n26=..Ban *!*User@Host.Domain:/ban # $$1 1
n27=..Ban *!*@Host.Domain:/ban # $$1 2
n28=..Ban *!*User@*.Domain:/ban # $$1 3
n29=..Ban *!*@*.Domain:/ban # $$1 4
n30=..Ban Nick!User@Host.Domain:/ban # $$1 5
n31=..Ban Nick!*User@Host.Domain:/ban # $$1 6
n32=..Ban Nick!*@Host.Domain:/ban # $$1 7
n33=..Ban Nick!*User@*.Domain:/ban # $$1 8
n34=..Ban Nick!*@*.Domain:/ban # $$1 9
n35=.Get User:/.guser $?="what level?" $$1
n37=..ON:ignore $1 6 | /notice $$1 Piss Off! You Have been put on ignore by $me, BEG FOR FOGIVNESS [ %ver ] | /.write $mircdir $+ txts\ $+ ignore.txt echo 4 -a Ignored -: $+ $$1 $+ :- On -- $fulldate --
n38=..OFF:ignore -r $1 6 | /notice $$1 You Are Now Unignored [ %ver ] | .write $mircdir $+ txts\ $+ re_igno.txt echo 4 -a Unignored -: $+ $$1 $+ :- On -- $fulldate --
n7=.All(&brief): say 15,1[4,1 $nick(0,#) people 14,1 in 3,1 # 14,1.15,1] | say 15,1[4,1 $opnick(0,#) 12,1: 14,1OP'ed.15,1] | say 15,1[4,1 $nopnick(0,#) 12,1: 14,1Not OP'ed.15,1] | say 15,1[4,1 $vnick(0,#) 12,1: 14,1with VOICE15,1]
n8=.All To &Channel:.disable #clones | .enable #stats | stats-chan | echo -a 12,1-:4 $+ $me $+ 12:-3 Now Gathering Stats For $chan $+ ....
n9=.All To &Self:.disable #clones | .enable #stats | stats-self | echo -a 12,1-:4 $+ $me $+ 12:-3 Now Gathering Stats For $chan $+ ....
n10=.Scan For &Clones:.disable #stats | .enable #clones | who $chan | echo -a 12,1-:4,1 $+ $me $+ 12,1:-3,1 Now Scanning for Clones in $chan $+ ....
n11=.Check For Perverts:.disable #who | .enable #perverts | whois $?="For What Nick?" | .timer 1 3 /.enable #who
n14=.Current Protection &Stats: {
n15= echo -a 12,1-:4 $+ $me $+ 12:-3,1 Current Protection Stats Are...
n16= echo -a 12,1╖3 Your KickCounter is at 12-:4 $+ %kick.counter $+ 12:-
n17= echo -a 12,1╖3,1Swear Protection is 0:4 %swear
n18= echo -a 12,1╖3,1Control Code Protection is 0:4 %colour
n19= echo -a 12,1╖3,1It Will Take 40 $+ %colour.max.len $+ 43 Control Codes Before A Kick
n20= echo -a 12,1╖3,1Text Flood Protection is 0:4 %textprot
n21= echo -a 12,1╖3,1It Will Take 40 $+ %text.flood.trigger $+ 43 Text Lines In 10secs Before A Kick
n22= echo -a 12,1╖3,1Topic Protection is 0:4 %topic
n23= echo -a 12,1╖3,1The Defualt Topic Is 40 $+ %deftopic $+ 4
n24= echo -a 12,1╖3,1Text Size Protection is 0:4 %sizeprot
n25= echo -a 12,1╖3,1It Will Take 40 $+ %maxlen $+ 43 Characters Befor A Kick
n26= echo -a 12,1╖3,1Repeat Protection Is 0:4 %repeat
n27= echo -a 12,1╖3,1On Reapeat The Person Will Be 4,1 $+ %on.repeat.stats
n29=.Kick &Counter
n30=..&View Level:echo -a 12,1-:4 $+ $me $+ 12:-3 Your KickCounter is at 12-:4 $+ %kick.counter $+ 12:-
n31=..&Reset:set %kick.counter 0 | echo -a 12,1-:4 $+ $me $+ 12:-3 Your KickCounter is at 12-:4 $+ %kick.counter $+ 12:-
n32=..&Set To A Different Number:set %kick.counter $?="What Do You Wish To Set It At?" | echo -a 12,1-:4 $+ $me $+ 12:-3 Your KickCounter is at 12-:4 $+ %kick.counter $+ 12:-
n33=.&Op Kicks
n34=..&Kick Ops:set %op.kick on
n35=..&Don't Kick Ops:set %op.kick off
n36=.&Swear Protection
n37=..o&n:set %swear on | echo -a 12,1-:4 $+ $me $+ 12:-3 Swear Protection Now 0ON
n38=..o&ff:set %swear off | echo -a 12,1-:4 $+ $me $+ 12:-3 Swear Protection Now 0OFF
n39=.&Control Code Protection
n40=..o&n:set %colour on | echo -a 12,1-:4 $+ $me $+ 12:-3 Control Code Protection Now 0ON
n41=..o&ff:set %colour off | echo -a 12,1-:4 $+ $me $+ 12:-3 Control Code Protection Now 0OFF
n42=..Set &Max Amount:set %colour.max.len $?="How Many CTRL codes Before Kick?" | echo -a 12,1-:4 $+ $me $+ 12:-3 It Will Now Take 40 $+ %colour.max.len $+ 43 Control Codes Before A Kick
n43=.&Text Flood
n44=..o&n:set %textprot on | echo -a 12,1-:4 $+ $me $+ 12:-3 Text Flood Protection Now 0ON
n45=..o&ff:set %textprot off | echo -a 12,1-:4 $+ $me $+ 12:-3 Text Flood Protection Now 0OFF
n46=..Set Max Amount:set %text.flood.trigger $?="How Many Text Lines In 10secs?" | echo -a 3,1It Will Now Take 40 $+ %text.flood.trigger $+ 43 Text Lines In 10secs Before A Kick
n47=.&Topic Protection
n48=..o&n:set %topic on | echo -a 12,1-:4 $+ $me $+ 12:-3 Topic Protection Now 0ON
n49=..o&ff:set %topic off | echo -a 12,1-:4 $+ $me $+ 12:-3 Topic Protection Now 0OFF
n50=..Set &Default Topic:set %deftopic $?="What's The Defualt Topic?" | echo -a 12,1-:4 $+ $me $+ 12:-3 The Defualt Topic Is Now 40 $+ %deftopic $+ 4
n51=.Text &Size Protection
n52=..o&n:set %sizeprot on | echo -a 12,1-:4 $+ $me $+ 12:-3 Text Size Protection Now 0ON
n53=..o&ff:set %sizeprot off | echo -a 12,1-:4 $+ $me $+ 12:-3 Text Size Protection Now 0OFF
n54=..Set &Max Amount:set %maxlen $?="How Many Characters Before Kick?" | echo -a 12,1-:4 $+ $me $+ 12:-3 It Will Now Take 40 $+ %maxlen $+ 43 Characters Befor A Kick
n55=.&Repeat Protection
n57=...Only Kick On Repeat:set %on.repeat kick | set %on.repeat.stats Only Kicked | echo -a 3,1On Reapeat The Person Will Be 4,1 $+ %on.repeat.stats
n58=...Ban/Kick On Repeat:set %on.repeat ban | set %on.repeat.stats Banned And Kicked | echo -a 3,1On Reapeat The Person Will Be 4,1 $+ %on.repeat.stats
n59=..o&n:set %repeat on | echo -a 12,1-:4 $+ $me $+ 12:-3 Repeat Protection Is Now ON
n60=..o&ff:set %repeat off | echo -a 12,1-:4 $+ $me $+ 12:-3 Repeat Protection Is Now OFF
n61=..Set Max Text Repeat:set %max.repeat $?="How Many Repeats Before A Kick?" | echo -a 12,1-:4 $+ $me $+ 12:-3 It Will Now Take 40 $+ %max.repeat $+ 43 Repeats Before A Kick
n63=±█m▀ v1.0 ▀Ωtσ - Fserve
n64=.Start:/run C:\numb\fserve\fserve.exe C:\numb\fserve\fserve.ini | .timer 1 60 /.ctcp %fserve.nick master $me | { if (%fserve.nick == $null) { set %fserve.nick $?="What's The Fserve's Nick To Be?" | .ctcp psyk yournick %fserve.nick } else { halt } }
n65=.Set Nick:.ctcp %fserve.nick yournick $?="What's The New Nick??" | set %fserve.nick $!
n66=.Advertise:.ctcp %fserve.nick AD | echo 4 -a Telling FSERVE clone to Advertise........